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MAA All-State Vegas Shoot

  • Jan
  • 18
MAA All-State Vegas Shoot

MAA Shooter of the Year

The All-State Vegas event is the first leg of the 2020 MAA Shooter of the Year competition. More information and current standings are always available on our Shooter of the Year page.

Event Results

Here are the results for the 2020 All-State Vegas Shoot.

Age Division Calculator

Not sure about your age division? Use our handy calculator below.

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Enter a date for a future archery event (optional): ,

Other information

  • We'll use standard NFAA equipment rules for this event.
  • There's a restaurant adjacent to the competition venue for lunch.
  • Shooter of the year points will be awarded based on the morning qualification score.

How to score a Vegas round

If you're not sure how to score a standard Vegas round, check out the video at this link for all the information you need. Archers will shoot a 330 round in the afternoon which is simply a standard 300 round where the X counts as 11 points.

Tag(s): MAA